Ohm's law ( in terms of electrical tearms )

This law applies to electric to electric conduction through good conductors and may be stated as follows:
The ratio of potential difference (V) between any two points on a conductor to the current (I) flowing between them, is constant. provided the temperature of the conductor does not change.

In other words,  V/I = constant  or V/I = R

where R is the resistance of the conductor between the two points considered. Put in another way, it simply means that provided R is kept constant, current is directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of a conductor. However, this linear relationship between V and I does not apply to all non-metallic conductors. For example, for silicon carbide, the relationship is given by V=KIm where K and m are constants and m is less than unity. It also does not apply to non-linear devices such as Zener diodes and voltage-regulator (VR) tubes.

Example: A coil of copper wire has resistance of 0 at 20°C and is connected to a 230-V supply. By how much must the voltage be increased in order to maintain the current consant if the temperature of the coil rises to 60°C? Take the temperature coefficient of resistance of copper as 0.00428from 0°c


As seen from page Temperature Coefficient of Electrical Resistance 

so R60=90 x 1.2568 / 1.0856 = 104.2 Ohm

Now, current at 20°C = 230/90 =23/9 A

Since the wire resistance has become 104.20 Ohm at 60°C, the new voltage required for keeping the
current constant at its previous value = 104.2 x 23/9 = 266.3 V
So, increase in voltage required=266.3 - 230 = 36.3 V

Example: Three resistors are connected in series across a 12-V battery. Thefirst resistor has a value of 1 Ohm, second has a voltage drop of 4 V and the third has a power dissipation of 12 W. Calculate the value of the circuit current.


Let the two unknown resistors be R2and R3and I the circuit current

I2R3 =12  and IR3=4
So,   R3=34R22   Also  I=4R2

Now,     I (1+R2+R3) = 12

Substituting the values of I and R3, we get

4R21+R2+34R22 =12 or 3R22 -8R2+4=0

R2=8±64-486   So  R2=2Ω or  23Ω

R3=34R22=3422 =3Ω or 34232=13 Ω 

So I = 2A or I = 6A

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